Logo Maker is a smart tool with the combination of creativity and capability to make it easier in creating logos.
Creating the most attractive and professional company logo, banner, header, icon and signature for your website, blog, forum, email will be at your fingertips henceforth. The reliability, quality, and simplicity of the tool make it easier for the user to design and create your name, image, symbol, icon, or trademark using the flexible design tools. The tool supports features like: a straight forward workspace, support for over 190 templates in five categories such as Classic, Letter Based, Popular, Cool and Badge, support for more than 400 color schemes, filtered by color or category, Gradient, shadow, bevel, glow, reflection or hollow to graphic or text can be applied by one click in the Effects panel, and much more.
With support to many more features this tool proves to give you smarter abilities in creating the most trendy logos.